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2   82 KimberlyKatie F   Wife M Jul 27 1874 26

Contact: Bev Barlow
Comment: Katharine Mousseu is the second wife of James Kimberly. Hanna (Svensdotter) Nelson was his first wife and my 2x great-aunt
Posted: 2013-10-19 21:17:48.0, Renewed: 2013-10-19 21:17:48.0
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33   79 BrownSarah F   Head S Oct 2 1850 40

Contact: Bev Barlow
Comment: 1850 given as year of birth plus her age given as 40 adds up to 1890
Posted: 2010-05-28 00:42:42.0, Renewed: 2010-05-28 00:42:42.0
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33   33 PearsonChloe F   Mother in law W Oct 7 1818 82

Contact: Bev Barlow
Comment: This is my gggrandmother and she is the mother-in-law to head of household William, and mother of his wife Ursula nee Pennock.
Posted: 2010-05-19 15:16:38.0, Renewed: 2010-05-19 15:16:38.0
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12   48 PennockSterling M   Head M Jul 2 1858 42

Contact: Bev Barlow
Comment: This is the son of my gguncle A.W. Pennock and in the 1891 census this family has the misspelled name PERMOOTT
Posted: 2010-06-21 18:58:40.0, Renewed: 2010-06-21 18:58:40.0
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