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16 | 165 | Clay | William | M | Husband | M | May 10 | 1869 | 31 |
Contact: maureen hamilton
Comment: My grandfather, grandmother and their children the correct spelling is KLEE
Posted: 2005-04-22 20:04:17.0, Renewed: 2005-04-22 20:04:17.0
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39 | 169 | Kroushar | John | M | Husband | M | Mar 20 | 1836 | 65 |
Contact: maureen Hamilton
Comment: my greatgrandparents and their youngest son. Correct spelling is KRAUSHAAR
Posted: 2005-04-22 20:04:12.0, Renewed: 2005-04-22 20:04:12.0
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35 | 68 | Engel | Sophia | F | Wife | M | Feb 23 | 1883 | 17 |
Contact: maureen hamilton
Comment: my great-aunt
Posted: 2005-04-22 20:11:05.0, Renewed: 2005-04-22 20:11:05.0
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49 | 179 | Smith | Christina | F | Wife | M | Nov | 1872 | 29 |
Contact: maureen hamilton
Comment: my great-aunt, their name was SCHMIDT
Posted: 2005-04-22 20:09:26.0, Renewed: 2005-04-22 20:09:26.0
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