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1901 Census records for ASSINIBOIA (East/Est), The Territories
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Surname index for ASSINIBOIA (East/Est):

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ?

53,102 lines transcribed (100%)

so far
Alameda A 16 800 0
Alma B 8 400 0
Assiniboia Agency AG-1 6 300 0
Balcarres C 4 200 0
Beaverdale D 12 600 0
Bellegarde E 8 400 0
Benbecula F 5 250 0
Beresina G-1 3 150 11
Beresina G-2 10 500 0
Broadview H 11 550 0
Brookside I 6 300 0
Cannington M 6 300 1
Carievale J 12 600 1
Carlsruhe K 10 500 22
Carlyle L 12 601 0
Carnduff N 16 800 0
Carnoustie O 4 200 0
Chickney P 5 250 101
Churchbridge Q 4 200 60
Clare R 9 450 0
Clumber S 5 250 0
Cotham T 3 150 1
Crescent U 4 200 0
Crooked Lake Agency AG-2 19 950 15
Crooked Lakes V 23 1150 0
Dalesboro W 7 350 0
Dauphinais X 4 200 0
Devils Lake Y 35 1750 1
Dongola Z 7 350 0
Dunleath A(1) 4 200 0
Ebenezer B(1) 12 600 0
Echo C(1) 4 200 0
Ellisboro D(1) 7 350 0
Estevan E(1) 7 350 0
Fairmede F(1) 5 250 0
Ferndale G(1) 5 250 0
File Hills Agency & Muskowpehung Agency AG-3 35 1750 0
File Hills H(1) 4 200 25
Fishing Lake I(1) 2 100 17
Fleming J(1) 12 600 0
Fletwode K(1) 5 250 0
Foam Lake L(1) 3 150 4
Forest Farm M(1) 8 400 0
Fort Qu'Appelle N(1) 16 800 1
Gainsborough O(1) 11 550 0
Glen Adelaide P(1) 4 200 0
Glen Ewen Q(1) 12 600 0
Glen Lynn R(1) 7 350 0
Grenfell North S(1) 11 550 1
Grenfell South T(1) 13 650 0
Hayward U(1) 3 150 1
Heron V(1) 1 50 0
Highview W(1) 3 150 0
Hillburn X(1) 6 300 0
Hillfarm Y(1) 5 250 0
Horse Lake Z(1) 1 50 15
Hyde A(2) 13 650 97
Indian Head B(2) 23 1150 1
Insinger C(2) 16 800 101
Kamsack E(2)-1 13 650 0
Kamsack E(2)-2 17 850 0
Kaposvar F(2) 11 550 33
Katepwa D(2) 5 250 1
Kenlis G(2) 10 500 1
Kinbrae H(2) 2 100 0
Kranzberg I(2) 2 100 4
Langenburg J(2) 5 250 0
Maryfield L(2) 4 200 0
McNutt K(2) 10 500 0
Moffatt M(2) 9 450 0
Montgomery N(2) 7 350 25
Montmartre O(2) 2 100 0
Moose Mountain Agency AG-4 10 500 0
Moosomin North P(2) 4 200 0
Moosomin South Q(2)-1 18 900 0
Moosomin South Q(2)-2 5 250 0
New Hastings S(2) 9 450 0
Newdorf R(2) 13 650 0
North Portal T(2) 3 150 0
Ohlen U(2) 11 550 11
Otthon V(2) 7 350 0
Oxbow W(2) 19 950 0
Pelly X(2)-1 20 1000 0
Pelly X(2)-2 4 200 0
Pelly Agency AG-5 23 1150 0
Perceval Y(2) 4 200 0
Percy Z(2) 6 300 0
Pheasant Forks A(3) 6 300 0
Prosperity B(3) 5 250 0
Qu'Appelle C(3) 18 901 0
Qu'Appelle South D(3) 7 350 4
Red Jacket E(3) 4 200 0
Riga F(3) 2 100 0
Riversdale G(3) 6 300 0
Rocanville H(3) 4 200 0
Roche Percée I(3) 6 300 0
Saltcoats K(3)-1 4 200 13
Saltcoats K(3)-2 11 550 0
Sheho L(3) 4 200 1
Sintaluta M(3) 13 650 0
Spring Creek N(3) 7 350 6
Spy Hill O(3) 6 300 0
St. Raffael J(3) 2 100 0
Summerberry P(3) 8 400 0
Taché Q(3) 8 400 0
Tirée R(3) 7 350 0
Touchwood S(3) 4 200 0
Touchwood Agency AG-6 33 1650 0
Wapella T(3) 17 850 1
Wawata U(3) 3 150 0
Weyburn V(3) 3 150 0
Weyburn North W(3) 7 350 0
Whitesand X(3) 2 100 0
Whitewood Y(3) 19 950 2
Wide Awake Z(3) 6 300 0
Willocks A(4) 2 100 0
Winlaw B(4) 4 200 0
Wishart C(4) 2 100 0
Wolseley D(4) 17 850 0
Yorkton E(4) 30 1500 50