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1901 Census records for MIDDLESEX (East/Est), Ontario
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Surname index for MIDDLESEX (East/Est):

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ?

27,854 lines transcribed (100%)

so far
Dorchester North A-1 11 550 26
Dorchester North A-2 11 550 3
Dorchester North A-3 7 350 15
Dorchester North A-4 11 550 1
Dorchester North A-5 9 450 11
Dorchester North A-6 8 400 5
Dorchester North A-7 8 400 0
Dorchester North A-8 10 500 8
Dorchester South B-1 11 550 6
Dorchester South B-2 12 600 4
Dorchester South B-3 12 600 3
London C-1 9 450 19
London C-10 10 500 5
London C-11 9 450 0
London C-12 8 402 25
London C-13 13 650 16
London C-14 12 600 33
London C-2 11 550 2
London C-3 9 450 0
London C-4 14 700 1
London C-5 11 550 3
London C-6 13 650 29
London C-7 43 2150 5
London C-8 14 700 193
London C-9 12 600 272
London City Ward No. 2 E-1 26 1300 0
London City Ward No. 2 E-2 18 900 19
London City Wards/Quartiers No. 3 and 4 D-1 27 1351 41
London City Wards/Quartiers No. 3 and 4 D-2 26 1300 16
London City Wards/Quartiers No. 3 and 4 D-3 19 950 2
London City Wards/Quartiers No. 3 and 4 D-4 21 1050 0
London City Wards/Quartiers No. 3 and 4 D-5 22 1100 11
London City Wards/Quartiers No. 3 and 4 D-6 25 1250 0
Nissouri West F-1 8 400 4
Nissouri West F-2 11 550 3
Nissouri West F-3 9 450 1
Nissouri West F-4 6 300 6
Nissouri West F-5 6 300 13
Nissouri West F-6 8 400 2
Nissouri West F-7 8 400 3
Nissouri West F-8 8 400 6
Springfield Village G 11 550 4