ONTARIO, PERTH (North/Nord), Stratford (City/Cité), G-3

Subdistrict Link Destinations in the 1911 Census

SubdistrictEnum. district# of links

Blum, Catharine ?

Blum, Edna

Blum, Florence

Blum, George

Blum, George G.

Blum, Olive

Boles, Elizabeth

Boles, Eva

Boles, Margaret

Boles, Maud

Boles, Olive

Boles, Sarah

Boles, William

Boles, William

Brandy, George Lorne

Brandy, Howard

Brandy, James

Brandy, Myrtle

Brandy, Ruby

Brandy, Sadie

Brandy, Sarah

Brandy, Thomas S.

Burnham, Alfred

Burnham, Elizabeth

Burnham, Frank

Burnham, Mary

Campbell, Margaret

Cash, Albert E.

Cash, Hattie

Cash, Hilda

Clark, Anne

Clark, Thomas

Crispin, Angelic

Cuttle, Catherine

Cuttle, Jean

Cuttle, Jessie

Denroche, Edward

Denroche, Herbert

Denroche, Katie

Durkin, Bridget

Durkin, Carathrine

Durkin, Catherine

Durkin, Hugh

Edgecombe, Ethelwyn

Edgecombe, George A.

Edgecombe, Gordon

Edgecombe, Leonard C.

Edgecombe, Mary Clark

Farquaharson, Charles

Fisher, Angelia

Fraser, Donald D.

Fraser, Janet

Fraser, John

Fraser, John M.

Gourlay, Agnes

Gourlay, Alexander

Gourlay, Carry

Hagerty, Bridget

Hagerty, Timothy

Hearn, Ellen

Hearn, Thomas

Hepburn, Claire

Hepburn, Donald

Hepburn, Eleanor

Hepburn, Evelyn

Hepburn, Sabina

Hepburn, William

Jarvis, Beatrice

Johns, Hester

Johns, Mary

Johns, Thomas

Johns, William

Keane, Armour

Keane, Jessie

Keane, Mary

Keane, Ross

Keane, William

Keane, Winnie

Kelly, Elizabeth

Kelly, Kathleen

Kelly, P. J.

Kelly, Wilfred

King, Arthur H

Larkworthy, George

Larkworthy, George

Larkworthy, Kate

Larkworthy, Mary B.

Lawrence, Edith

Lawrence, William

Lawrence, William S.

Lightfoot, Charles H.

Lightfoot, George A?

Lightfoot, Matilda

McDonald, Charles

McDonald, Mary Ann

McIntosh, Bedelia

McIntosh, Charles

McIntosh, Jessie

McIntosh, William D.

McNab, Emma Izard

McNab, Peter

McTavish, Christina

Murray, Jean

Murray, John

Murray, John Perry

Nowland, Lillian

Nowland, Theresa

Pengally, Mary Elizabeth

Pengally, Sarah Ann

Pequegenst, Albert

Pequegenst, Alice

Pequegenst, Emile

Pequegenst, James V.

Pequegenst, Nelson

Perry, Helen H.

Perry, Margaret R.

Perry, Ruth E.

Ross, Agnes

Ross, Jessie

Ross, Julia

Scarff, Amelia

Scarff, Cora May

Scarff, Fred

Schmidt, Justus

Schmidt, Katie

Schmidt, Wilfred

Smith, Jane Lucretia

Stewart, Catharine

Tobin, Beatrice

Tobin, Catharine

Tobin, Edmond

Tobin, Joseph

Tobin, Loretta

Tobin, Mary

Tobin, Thomas

Trow, Elva Marr

Trow, Emerson J.

Trow, George Edward

Trow, James

Trow, Julia E.

Trow, Lois

Trow, Rolph M.

Walker, Sarah A.

Walker, T.H.

Woods, Marian