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1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District:ON MIDDLESEX (South/Sud) (#89)
Subdistrict:Caradoc A-8 Page 2
Image: View the image with: split screen
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details:Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6481
Transcriber:  Jim Cobban
Proof reader:Carol Ann Smith

Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
flag icon indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
@ next to the line number indicates contact information for someone researching this person, see the bottom of the page.
-> If you find a transcription error on this page please use the proof page to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.

Numbered in order of visitation Personal Description Links
Name of each person in family or household on 31st March, 1901. Sex. C
to head of
family or
widowed or
Month and date of birth. Year of birth. Age at last birthday.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
flag1   12 Dunn Louis M   Head W Sep 5 1828
72 page icon
2   12 Dunn Waldron M   Son S Jun 2 1887
13 page icon
3   12 Dunn Emily F   Daughter S Jan 13 1887
13 page icon
flag4   12 Winges William M   Domestic S Jun 15 1861
40 page icon
5   12 Finger Moses M   Lodger S Aug 30 1832
18 page icon
6   13 Deleary William M   Head M Oct 13 1852
48 page icon
7   13 Dodge Ellen F   Domestic W Jun 15 1864
36 page icon
8   13 Dodge Sarah F   Daughter S Jun 13 1887
13 page icon
flag9   14 Mishkokomon Nancy F   Head M Mar 13 1843
57 page icon
10   14 Mishkokomon P. Samuel M   Son M Jan 8 1865
36 page icon
flag11   14 Mishkokomon Elizabeth F   Daughter S Jul 14 1869
31 page icon
flag12   14 Mishkokomon E. Charles M   Son S Sep 25 1878
22 page icon
@ 13   14 Mishkokomon Phoebe F   Daughter M Mar 25 1869
32 page icon
14   14 Mishkokomon M. Ethel F   Daughter S Aug 29 1895
5 page icon
flag15   15 Mishkokomon Polly F   Head W Aug 15 1814
86 page icon
16   15 Deleary Clara F   Daughter M May 23 1866
34 page icon
17   16 Crow John Sr. M   Head M Apr 15 1869
39 page icon
18   16 Crow Catharine F   Wife M Aug 10 1858
42 page icon
flag19   16 Crow J. Rosina F   Daughter S Sep 16 1883
17 page icon
20   16 Crow Ida F   Daughter S Nov 10 1889
11 page icon
21   16 Crow Elliott M   Son S Dec 22 1893
7 page icon
22   17 Fisher Mary F   Head W Mar 15 1845
55 page icon
23   18 Deleary Charles M   Head M Apr 25 1868
32 page icon
24   19 Seneca David M   Head M Sep 15 1830
70 page icon
25   19 Seneca Mary F   Wife M Mar 10 1835
65 page icon
26   19 Seneca Archie M   Son S Jul 5 1897
3 page icon
27   20 Fisher Francis M   Head M May 26 1866
34 page icon
28   20 Fisher Lucy F   Wife M Dec 20 1869
31 page icon
29   20 Fisher C. Claburn M   Son S Nov 14 1891
9 page icon
30   20 Fisher A. Sara F   Daughter S Dec 25 1894
6 page icon
31   20 Fisher R. Allan M   Son S Mar 21 1896
4 page icon
32   20 Fisher L. Etta F   Daughter S Jan 278 1899
2 page icon
flag33   20 Fisher Susan F   Daughter S Feb 18 1901
  page icon
34   21 Case Stephen M   Head W Oct 13 1842
58 page icon
35   21 Case John M   Son S Jan 26 1872
29 page icon
36   21 Case Maggie F   Daughter S Dec 13 1875
25 page icon
37   21 Case Ida F   Daughter S Dec 27 1878
22 page icon
38   22 Henry Joseph M   Head S Feb 25 1867
34 page icon
@ 39   23 Henry John M   Head W May 16 1822
78 page icon
40   23 Henry Philip M   Son S Apr 19 1875
25 page icon
41   23 Henry Charlotte F   Daughter S May 22 1877
23 page icon
42   23 Henry W. John M   Son S Mar 21 1886
14 page icon
43   23 Henry F. Mary F   Daughter S Aug 1 1889
11 page icon
44   24 Douglas Hannah F   Head W Jun 21 1863
37 page icon
flag45   25 Henry Lucius M   Head M Jan 13 1858
42 page icon
46   25 Henry Jemima F   Wife M Sep 6 1862
38 page icon
47   25 Henry Rufus M   Son S Apr 15 1883
17 page icon
48   25 Henry Floretta F   Daughter S Jul 21 1894
6 page icon
49   26 French James M   Head M Mar 9 1848
52 page icon
50   26 French L. Mary F   Wife M May 26 1862
38 page icon

Field Correction Notes on this page

Field correction notes are suggested changes offered by a proofreader or user, they should not be considered authoritative. If the transcriber agrees with the suggestion they will change the line. Notes for changes that have been made are removed periodically. The presence of an uncorrected note is an extra prompt to the user to consult the image. It is always good practice to confirm the accuracy of the transcription by consulting the image.

Field Value Correction Note
1   12 DunnLouis M   Head W Sep 5 1828 72
* On line 1, the value for the surname field is "Dunn", the suggested correction is "Deleary".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
4   12 WingesWilliam M   Domestic S Jun 15 1861 40
* On line 4, the value for the surname field is "Winges", the suggested correction is "??tanger".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
9   14 MishkokomonNancy F   Head M Mar 13 1843 57
* On line 9, the value for the surname field is "Mishkokomon", the suggested correction is "Miskokomon".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
11   14 MishkokomonElizabeth F   Daughter S Jul 14 1869 31
* On line 11, the value for the givens field is "Elizabeth", the suggested correction is "Elzbth".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
12   14 MishkokomonE. Charles M   Son S Sep 25 1878 22
* On line 12, the value for the givens field is "E. Charles", the suggested correction is "E. Chas".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
15   15 MishkokomonPolly F   Head W Aug 15 1814 86
* On line 15, the value for the surname field is "Mishkokomon", the suggested correction is "Miskokomon".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
19   16 CrowJ. Rosina F   Daughter S Sep 16 1883 17
* On line 19, the value for the givens field is "J. Rosina", the suggested correction is "J. Kosina".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
33   20 FisherSusan F   Daughter S Feb 18 1901  
* On line 33, the value for the age field is "[ ]", the suggested correction is "4/12".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.
Field Value Correction Note
45   25 HenryLucius M   Head M Jan 13 1858 42
* On line 45, the value for the year field is "1858", the suggested correction is "1859".
Submitted by Carol Ann Smith.

Researcher contact information

Line 13: Researcher contact:
This is my maternal great-great aunt. More
Line 39: Researcher contact:
this is my great grandfather More

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Go to: Subdistrict Number: a-8 District: MIDDLESEX (South/Sud) National: Canada.

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