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1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District:ON RENFREW (South/Sud) (#111)
Subdistrict:Hagarty, Sherwood & Jones I-3 Page 4
Image: View the image with: split screen
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details:Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6494
Transcriber:  Jacqui Chisamore
Proof reader:Carol Foisy

Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
flag icon indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
-> If you find a transcription error on this page please use the proof page to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.

Numbered in order of visitation Personal Description Links
Name of each person in family or household on 31st March, 1901. Sex. C
to head of
family or
widowed or
Month and date of birth. Year of birth. Age at last birthday.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1   22 Felskie Ernest C. M   Son S May 8 1894
6 page icon
2   22 Felskie Albert Michel M   Son S Nov 3 1895
5 page icon
3   22 Felskie Martha F   Daughter S      
2 page icon
4   22 Felskie Frank M   Son S      
Under 1 year page icon
flag5   23 Bloskavists Anthony M   Head M      
66 page icon
flag6   23 Bloskavists Leon M   Son S      
32? page icon
7   23 Bloskavists Frances F   Daughter S      
16 page icon
8   23 Bloskavists Eva F   Wife M      
62 page icon
9   24 Mika William M   Head M      
32 page icon
10   24 Mika Catherine F   Wife M      
25 page icon
11   24 Mika Angella F   Daughter S      
4 page icon
12   24 Flavin John M   Adopted S      
14 page icon
13   25 Smith John M   Head M      
27 page icon
14   25 Smith Annie F   Wife M      
25 page icon
15   25 Smith Ignacias M   Son S      
Under 1 year page icon
flag16   26 Palabieska Philip M   Head M      
29 page icon
17   26 Palabieska Martha F   Wife M      
32 page icon
18   26 Palabieska August M   Son S      
7 page icon
19   26 Palabieska Mary F   Daughter S      
4 page icon
20   26 Palabieska Robert M   Son S      
2 page icon
flag21   27 Palibetskie Martin M   Head M      
26 page icon
22   27 Palibetskie Barbara F   Wife M      
24 page icon
23   27 Palibetskie Maggie F   Daughter S      
1/2 page icon
24   28 Minta John M   Head M      
33 page icon
25   28 Minta Mary F   Wife M      
24 page icon
26   28 Minta Maggie F   Daughter S      
6 page icon
27   28 Minta Stephen M   Son S      
4 page icon
28   28 Minta John M   Son S      
1 page icon
29   28 Minta Mary F   Daughter S      
1 page icon
30   29 Kulas John M   Head M      
29 page icon
31   29 Kulas Josephine F   Wife M      
19 page icon
32   29 Kulas Jeanie F   Daughter S      
1 page icon
33   29 Kulas Jane F   Sister S      
10 page icon
34   30 Rumliske Frank M   Head M      
30 page icon
35   30 Rumliske Mary F   Wife M      
18 page icon
36   31 Rumliske Peter M   Head M      
27 page icon
37   31 Rumliske Honora F   Wife M      
26 page icon
38   31 Rumliske Frank M   Son S      
5 page icon
39   31 Rumliske Polly F   Daughter S      
4 page icon
40   31 Rumliske Annie F   Daughter S      
2 page icon
flag41   32 Stumplatoskie Jacob M   Head M      
38 page icon
42   32 Stumplatoskie Frances F   Wife M      
22 page icon
43   32 Stumplatoskie Theodore M   Son S      
3 page icon
flag44   33 Gratoskie John M   Head M      
29 page icon
45   33 Gratoskie Maggie F   Wife M      
23 page icon
46   33 Gratoskie Philip M   Son S      
1 page icon
47   34 Moorah Albert M   Head M      
32 page icon
48   34 Moorah Catherine F   Wife M      
24 page icon
49   34 Moorah Paul M   Son S      
8 page icon
50   34 Moorah Barbarra F   Daughter S      
6 page icon

Line Notes On This Page

* The following note applies to line 5:
'Anthony was born 1829 according to church records'

* The following note applies to line 5:
'Family genealogy shows original surname was BLASZKIEWICZ, which changed over time to variations of Blaskievi[t]ch; Blaskovi[t]ch; Blaskavi[t]ch'

* The following note applies to line 6:
'Leon BLASKOVITCH was born October 7, 1875 according to family records'

Surname Notes On This Page

* In household 23, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Bloskavists', a suggested alternative surname is 'Blaskovitch'. The person suggesting the alternative surname provided this comment: 'Blaszkiewicz/Blaskovitch/Blaskievitch/Blaskavitch/Blaskievich as used by descendants'.

* In household 23, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Bloskavists', a suggested alternative surname is 'Blaszkiewicz'. The person suggesting the alternative surname provided this comment: 'Cemetery and church records indicate alternative surname'.

* In household 23, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Bloskavists', a suggested alternative surname is 'Blaskiewicz'.

* In household 26, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Palabieska', a suggested alternative surname is 'Palubeski'.

* In household 27, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Palibetskie', a suggested alternative surname is 'Palubeski'.

* In household 32, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Stumplatoskie', a suggested alternative surname is 'Stamplecoskie'.

* In household 32, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Stumplatoskie', a suggested alternative surname is 'Stamplecoski'.

* In household 33, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Gratoskie', a suggested alternative surname is 'Gutoskie?'.

* In household 33, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Gratoskie', a suggested alternative surname is 'Gutowski'.

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Go to: Subdistrict Number: i-3 District: RENFREW (South/Sud) National: Canada.

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