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1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District:ON BRANT (South/Sud) (#46)
Subdistrict:Brantford (City/Cité) A-19 Page 1
Image: View the image with: split screen
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details:Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6460
Transcriber:  Cliff
Proof reader:Kathy Wallace

Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
flag icon indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
@ next to the line number indicates contact information for someone researching this person, see the bottom of the page.
-> If you find a transcription error on this page please use the proof page to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.

Numbered in order of visitation Personal Description Links
Name of each person in family or household on 31st March, 1901. Sex. C
to head of
family or
widowed or
Month and date of birth. Year of birth. Age at last birthday.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1   1 Hilson Frank M   Head M Jan 6 1855
46 page icon
2   1 Hilson Margrat F   Wife M Jun 18 1857
44 page icon
3   1 Hilson Geo w M   Son S Nov 1 1882
19 page icon
4   2 Withesp? Alex M   Head M May 11 1838
63 page icon
5   2 Withesp? Mary F   Wife M May 12 1849
52 page icon
6   2 Withesp? Roy M   Son S Dec 5 1879
22 page icon
7   3 Norwood Chas M M   Head M Apr 28 1849
52 page icon
8   3 Norwood Mary F   Wife M Oct 18 1843
48 page icon
9   3 Norwood James M   Son S Aug 9 1873
28 page icon
10   3 Norwood Grace F   Daughter S Jan 18 1876
25 page icon
11   3 Norwood Jennie F   Daughter S Jul 30 1878
23 page icon
12   3 Norwood Maggie F   Daughter S Mar 4 1879
22 page icon
13   3 Norwood Charl A M   Son S Jun 21 1880
21 page icon
14   3 Norwood Henry M   Son S Aug 18 1884
17 page icon
15   3 Norwood Mabel F   Daughter S Sep 18 1886
15 page icon
16   3 Norwood Henrietta E F   Daughter S Jul 16 1889
12 page icon
17   3 Norwood Clarance A M   Son S Feb 24 1892
9 page icon
flag18   4 Hall John E M   Head S Nov 12 1857
43 page icon
19   4 Hall Elizabeth F   Wife M Jan 6 1858
43 page icon
20   4 Hall Amy E F   Daughter S Dec 11 1887
13 page icon
21   4 Hall Geo H M   Son S Apr 23 1891
9 page icon
22   4 Hall Lorra I F   Daughter S Jan 9 1895
6 page icon
23   5 Kennedy Mary F   Head W May 20 1826
75 page icon
24   5 Hutishon Janet F   Sister W Oct 29 1829
70 page icon
25   5 Smith Arthur M   brother in law W Aug 29 1840
61 page icon
26   5 Smith Mary F   Niece S Jan 28 1880
21 page icon
27   5 Smith Alex R M   Nephew S Oct 10 1885
16 page icon
28   6 Kirchner Lorance M   Head M Nov 20 1870
30 page icon
29   6 Kirchner Katherine F   Wife M Jun 20 1877
24 page icon
30   7 Collins Ann F   Mother W Aug 4 1850
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31   7 Rabjohn Arthur M   Head M Mar 8 1873
28 page icon
32   7 Rabjohn Mable F   Wife M Aug 9 1875
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33   7 Rabjohn Earl M   Son S Jun 2 1897
3 page icon
34   7 Rabjohn Roy M   Son S Feb 1 1899
2 page icon
35   8 Pagett Hiram M   Head M Jun 8 1870
31 page icon
@ 36   8 Pagett Catherine F   Wife M Sep 7 1874
27 page icon
37   8 Pagett Mary F   Daughter S Jun 7 1898
3 page icon
38   8 Borthwick Robert M   Lodger M Oct 17 1829
62 page icon
39   9 Draper Patience F   Head W Dec 16 1827
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40   9 Draper N???? M F   Daughter S Jun 3 1877
24 page icon
41   9 Draper Wm. J M   Son S Oct 1 1883
18 page icon
flag@ 42   10 Haddlesay Geo M   Head S Aug 30 1835
66 page icon
43   10 Haddlesay Phoebe F   Wife M Oct 23 1838
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44   10 Haddlesay Wm. R M   Son S Aug 5 1869
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flag45   11 Hemswith Eliza F   Head W Mar 6 1838
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46   11 Thomson Abert M   Grandson S Oct 4 1891
10 page icon
47   12 Spence Jame C M   Head M Feb 3 1865
36 page icon
48   12 Spence Luella F   Wife M Nov 10 1865
36 page icon
49   12 Spence Edna M F   Daughter S May 11 1893
7 page icon
50   13 Abel Ph? O F   Head W Jul 1 1825
75 page icon

Surname Notes On This Page

* In household 11, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Hemswith', a suggested alternative surname is 'Hemsworth'.

Field Correction Notes on this page

Field correction notes are suggested changes offered by a proofreader or user, they should not be considered authoritative. If the transcriber agrees with the suggestion they will change the line. Notes for changes that have been made are removed periodically. The presence of an uncorrected note is an extra prompt to the user to consult the image. It is always good practice to confirm the accuracy of the transcription by consulting the image.

Field Value Correction Note
18   4 HallJohn E M   Head S Nov 12 1857 43
* On line 18, the value for the maritalStatus field is "S", the suggested correction is "M".
Field Value Correction Note
42   10 HaddlesayGeo M   Head S Aug 30 1835 66
* On line 42, the value for the maritalStatus field is "S", the suggested correction is "M".

Researcher contact information

Line 36: Researcher contact:
This is my husband's grand-aunt Catherine VALLANCE More
Line 42: Researcher contact: More
Line 42: Researcher contact:

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Go to: Subdistrict Number: a-19 District: BRANT (South/Sud) National: Canada.

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