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1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District:ON RENFREW (South/Sud) (#111)
Subdistrict:Brudenell & Lyndoch E-1 Page 13
Image: View the image with: split screen
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details:Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6494
Transcriber:  Lesley O'Neil
Proof reader:Denise Bridges

Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
flag icon indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
-> If you find a transcription error on this page please use the proof page to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.

Numbered in order of visitation Personal Description
Name of each person in family or household on 31st March, 1901. Sex. C
to head of
family or
widowed or
Month and date of birth. Year of birth. Age at last birthday.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
flag1   105 Juck Frederick M   Head M Dec 5 1855
46 page icon
flag2   105 Juck Amy F   Wife M Jan 7 1855
46 page icon
flag3   105 Juck Emma F   Daughter S May 9 1885
16 page icon
flag4   105 Juck Martha F   Daughter S Jul 6 1883
18 page icon
flag5   105 Juck Richard M   Son S May 4 1885
16 page icon
flag6   105 Juck Albert M   Son S Aug 14 1887
14 page icon
flag7   105 Juck Emelly F   Daughter S Sep 12 1899
12 page icon
flag8   105 Juck Memarie F   Daughter S Oct 10 1891
10 page icon
flag9   106 Stup Peter M   Head M Aug 16 1862
39 page icon
10   106 Stup Elizebeth F   Wife S Jun 24 1873
28 page icon
flag11   107 Stup James J M   Son S Aug 4 1897
3 page icon
12   107 Stup Cathrine A F   Daughter S Jun 20 1897
2 page icon
13   107 Stup Michael J M   Son S Feb 9 1901
2 mos page icon
flag14   108 Foster ???? M   Head M Nov 16 1829
72 page icon
15   108 Foster Phona F   Wife M Nov 22 1829
72 page icon
16   108 Foster Mary F   Daughter S Oct 19 1875
26 page icon
17   108 Foster Frank M   Son S Aug 7 1876
25 page icon
18   108 Zimmermann? Aguste M   Domestic S Feb 10 1886
15 page icon
19   108 Zimmermann? Robert M   Domestic S Jun 13 1898
13 page icon
20   108 Foster Joseph M   Head M Mar 24 1855
46 page icon
21   108 Foster Victoria F   Wife M Apr 13 1855
46 page icon
22   108 Foster Johann F   Daughter S May 16 1885
16 page icon
23   108 Foster Joseph M   Son S Apr 3 1886
15 page icon
24   108 Foster Agust M   Son S Jul 9 1887
14 page icon
25   108 Foster Maggie F   Daughter S Jun 9 1887
14 page icon
26   108 Foster Trasa F   Daughter S Oct 16 1889
12 page icon
27   108 Foster E????beth F   Daughter S Oct 16 1889
12 page icon
28   108 Foster Cathrine F   Daughter S Sep 13 1890
10 page icon
29   108 Foster Ellin F   Daughter S May 10 1893
8 page icon
30   108 Foster Bridget F   Daughter S Mar 25 1895
6 page icon
31   109 Kearney Patrick M   Head M May 4 1841
60 page icon
32   109 Kearney Cathrine F   Wife M Mar 26 1850
51 page icon
33   109 Kearney Patrick M   Son S Mar 7 1872
29 page icon
34   109 Kearney John M   Son S Feb 13 1879
22 page icon
35   109 Kearney James M   Son S Mar 9 1880
21 page icon
36   109 Kearney Mary F   Daughter S May 4 1883
18 page icon
37   109 Kearney Andrew M   Son S May 15 1885
16 page icon
38   109 Kearney Thomas M   Son S Apr 19 1887
14 page icon
39   109 Kearney William M   Son S May 5 1889
12 page icon
40   109 Kearney Anny F   Daughter S Jun 13 1890
10 page icon
41   109 Kearney Michael M   Son S Sep 7 1895
6 page icon
42   110 Holly Timothy M   Head M Mar 10 1841
60 page icon
43   110 Holly Hanorah F   Wife M Jul 17 1841
60 page icon
44   110 Holly Thomas M   Son S Oct 16 1871
30 page icon
45   110 Holly Daniel M   Son S Jul 4 1881
20 page icon
46   110 Holly Margeret F   Daughter S Aug 2 1885
16 page icon
47   110 Holly Cathrine F   Daughter S Jul 1 1888
13 page icon
48   110 Holly Johana F   Domestic S Aug 4 1826
75 page icon
49   110 Coyne Ellen F   Domestic S Sep 4 1876
25 page icon
50   110 Coyne Lizzie F   Domestic S Oct 3 1879
22 page icon

Field Correction Notes on this page

Field correction notes are suggested changes offered by a proofreader or user, they should not be considered authoritative. If the transcriber agrees with the suggestion they will change the line. Notes for changes that have been made are removed periodically. The presence of an uncorrected note is an extra prompt to the user to consult the image. It is always good practice to confirm the accuracy of the transcription by consulting the image.

Field Value Correction Note
1   105 JuckFrederick M   Head M Dec 5 1855 46
* On line 1, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
2   105 JuckAmy F   Wife M Jan 7 1855 46
* On line 2, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
3   105 JuckEmma F   Daughter S May 9 1885 16
* On line 3, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
4   105 JuckMartha F   Daughter S Jul 6 1883 18
* On line 4, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
5   105 JuckRichard M   Son S May 4 1885 16
* On line 5, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
6   105 JuckAlbert M   Son S Aug 14 1887 14
* On line 6, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
7   105 JuckEmelly F   Daughter S Sep 12 1899 12
* On line 7, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
8   105 JuckMemarie F   Daughter S Oct 10 1891 10
* On line 8, the value for the surname field is "Juck", the suggested correction is "Yuck".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
9   106 StupPeter M   Head M Aug 16 1862 39
* On line 9, the value for the surname field is "Stup", the suggested correction is "Steep".
Submitted anonymously.
Field Value Correction Note
11   107 StupJames J M   Son S Aug 4 1897 3
* On line 11, the value for the household field is "107", the suggested correction is "106".
The following comment was attached: Can't see where the number changed.
Field Value Correction Note
14   108 Foster???? M   Head M Nov 16 1829 72
* On line 14, the value for the givens field is "????", the suggested correction is "Agust ?".
Submitted by Denise Bridges.

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Go to: Subdistrict Number: e-1 District: RENFREW (South/Sud) National: Canada.

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