Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
@ next to the line number indicates contact information for someone
researching this person, see the bottom of the page.
If you find a transcription error on this page please use the
proof page
to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.
129 |
Hadrill George H |
M |
Head |
S |
Mar 15 |
1862 |
129 |
Hadrill Mary C |
F |
Mother |
M |
Jul 12 |
1840 |
129 |
Hadrill William |
M |
Brother |
S |
Jul 9 |
1875 |
130 |
Miller Peter |
M |
Head |
M |
Apr 4 |
1833 |
130 |
Miller Caroline L |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jul 12 |
1853 |
130 |
Miller Albert P |
M |
Son |
S |
Feb 15 |
1880 |
130 |
Miller M. A. Fay |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Aug 10 |
1883 |
130 |
Miller Wentworth |
M |
Son |
S |
Oct 21 |
1885 |
130 |
Miller Frederica L. K |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Dec 29 |
1887 |
130 |
Miller Winnifred A |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jun 11 |
1892 |
130 |
Miller Caroline L |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jan 25 |
1894 |
131 |
Ryckman Levi |
M |
Head |
M |
Feb 4 |
1858 |
131 |
Ryckman Helen A |
F |
Wife |
M |
Aug 19 |
1872 |
131 |
Ryckman Wallace C |
M |
Son |
S |
Dec 28 |
1880 |
131 |
Ryckman Mabel F |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Dec 28 |
1884 |
131 |
Ryckman Norman |
M |
Son |
S |
Sep |
1886 |
131 |
Ryckman Raymond |
M |
Son |
S |
Jun 9 |
1891 |
131 |
Ryckman Bertha |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Nov 18 |
1896 |
132 |
Ferguson Frank |
M |
Head |
M |
Sep 6 |
1878 |
132 |
Ferguson Jennie M |
F |
Wife |
M |
Dec 25 |
1881 |
133 |
Burke Patrick M F |
M |
Head |
M |
Mar 17 |
1861 |
133 |
Burke E. Gertrude |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jun 7 |
1868 |
134 |
Horrocks Henry |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 14 |
1841 |
134 |
Horrocks Sarah A |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jan 16 |
1861 |
134 |
Horrocks James H |
M |
Son |
S |
Dec 15 |
1879 |
134 |
Patrick Leonard W |
M |
Step son |
S |
Mar 1 |
1888 |
134 |
Patrick Jane E |
M |
Step Daughter |
S |
Jun 9 |
1891 |
134 |
Patrick Isabella |
F |
Step Daughter |
S |
Dec 25 |
1893 |
135 |
Ferguson John F |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 27 |
1853 |
135 |
Ferguson Elizabeth |
F |
Wife |
M |
May 17 |
1857 |
135 |
Ferguson William |
M |
Son |
S |
Aug 31 |
1876 |
135 |
Ferguson Weldon |
M |
Son |
S |
Jun 10 |
1882 |
135 |
Ferguson Gordon |
M |
Son |
S |
Jun 7 |
1885 |
135 |
Ferguson Mary E |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Aug 5 |
1888 |
135 |
Ferguson Frederick |
M |
Son |
S |
Sep 21 |
1891 |
135 |
Ferguson John |
M |
Son |
S |
Dec 7 |
1894 |
136 |
Downing Charles |
M |
Head |
M |
Dec 3 |
1871 |
136 |
Downing Mary |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jan 20 |
1876 |
136 |
Downing Sarah M |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Dec 19 |
1896 |
136 |
Downing Wilfred |
M |
Son |
S |
Oct 26 |
1899 |
137 |
Collar John L |
M |
Head |
M |
Feb 7 |
1846 |
137 |
Collar Sarah A |
F |
Wife |
M |
Aug 9 |
1849 |
137 |
Collar Charles L |
M |
Son |
S |
Jan 1 |
1879 |
137 |
Collar Theodore A |
M |
Son |
S |
Dec 1 |
1881 |
137 |
Collar N. Blanche |
F |
Daughter |
S |
May 4 |
1886 |
137 |
Turncliff John |
M |
Father in Law |
W |
Oct 15 |
1815 |
138 |
Ellis S. Tobias |
M |
Head |
M |
May 3 |
1850 |
138 |
Ellis Melinda |
F |
Wife |
M |
Aug |
1852 |
138 |
Ellis Jennie M |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jan 28 |
1882 |
138 |
Ellis Clarissa |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Sep 21 |
1884 |
Field Correction Notes on this page
Field correction notes are suggested changes offered by a
proofreader or user, they should not be considered authoritative. If
the transcriber agrees with the suggestion they will change the line.
Notes for changes that have been made are removed periodically. The
presence of an uncorrected note is an extra prompt to the user to
consult the image. It is always good practice to confirm the accuracy
of the transcription by consulting the image.
Field Value Correction Note |
2 |
129 |
Hadrill | Mary C |
F |
Mother |
M |
Jul 12 |
1840 |
60 |
On line 2,
the value for the maritalStatus
field is "M",
the suggested correction is "W". Submitted by Elizabeth Meade.
Field Value Correction Note |
4 |
130 |
Miller | Peter |
M |
Head |
M |
Apr 4 |
1833 |
48 |
On line 4,
the value for the year
field is "1833",
the suggested correction is "1853". Submitted by Elizabeth Meade.
Field Value Correction Note |
8 |
130 |
Miller | Wentworth |
M |
Son |
S |
Oct 21 |
1885 |
15 |
On line 8,
the value for the givens
field is "Wentworth",
the suggested correction is "Wentworth W". Submitted by Elizabeth Meade.
Field Value Correction Note |
23 |
134 |
Horrocks | Henry |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 14 |
1841 |
59 |
On line 23,
the value for the surname
field is "Horrocks",
the suggested correction is "Horocks". Submitted by Elizabeth Meade.
Field Value Correction Note |
27 |
134 |
Patrick | Jane E |
M |
Step Daughter |
S |
Jun 9 |
1891 |
9 |
On line 27,
the value for the sex
field is "M",
the suggested correction is "F". Submitted by Elizabeth Meade.
Field Value Correction Note |
37 |
136 |
Downing | Charles |
M |
Head |
M |
Dec 3 |
1871 |
29 |
On line 37,
the value for the givens
field is "Charles",
the suggested correction is "Charles E". Submitted by Elizabeth Meade.
Researcher contact information
Line 19: Researcher contact:
This is my 1st cousin 3 times removed, the son of John Ferguson Jr & Elizabeth Sharp More |
Line 29: Researcher contact:
This is my 2nd Great Grand Uncle, the son of John Ferguson & Belinda Purdy More |
Line 35: Researcher contact:
Father-in-law of my aunt, Lillian Shea Ferguson. Would love more data. More |
Line 47: Researcher contact:
This is my great grandfather, my grandmother's father and my father's (Ralph Carr) grandfather. More |
To register as a person researching someone on this page
click here.
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District: HASTINGS (West/Ouest)
National: Canada.
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All data on this site is copyrighted, use for personal research is free.
Redistribution requires permission: email