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1901 Census of Canada Page Information
District:ON PERTH (North/Nord) (#104)
Subdistrict:Stratford (City/Cité) G-6 Page 13
Image: View the image with: split screen
Images are from National Archives Web Site
Details:Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6490
Transcriber:  Thomas J Hunter

Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
flag icon indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
@ next to the line number indicates contact information for someone researching this person, see the bottom of the page.
-> If you find a transcription error on this page please use the proof page to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.

Numbered in order of visitation Personal Description Links
Name of each person in family or household on 31st March, 1901. Sex. C
to head of
family or
widowed or
Month and date of birth. Year of birth. Age at last birthday.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1   103 Murdock Jessie F     S Feb 12 1873
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2   103 Switzer Caroline F     S Dec 23 1867
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3   103 MacKay Elizabeth F     S Jun 10 1873
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4   103 Cribble Jessie F     S May 27 1876
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5   103 Knowles Elizabeth F     S Apr 21 1873
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6   103 Capling Allis F     S Apr 25 1877
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7   103 Pearson Fannie F     S Feb 22 1868
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8   103 Anderson Christina F     S Feb 12 1888
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9   103 Legg George A M     S Sep 10 1867
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10   103 Ruston Bella F     S Sep 28 1871
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11   103 Nimick Maggey F     S Jul 12 1868
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12   103 Coombes Fannie F     S Jan 21 1877
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13   103 Ballantyne Jessie F     S Jul 21 1875
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14   103 Ruston Lovenia F     S Feb 19 1875
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15   103 Crawford John M     S     1836
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16   103 Renwick Eva F     S     1882
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17   103 Renwick Emma F     S     1882
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18   103 Aves ? Issac M     M      
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19   103 Freeman William M     S      
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20   103 Love Mary F   Head D      
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21   103 Patheo John M   Head M      
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22   103 Murray Mary F     M      
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23   103 Lamb Harvey M     S      
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24   103 Sebaston Omari ? M     S      
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25   103 Thompson Laura F     S      
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26   103 Laird James M     M     1901
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27   104 Kellor Charles M   Head M Jul 12 1860
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28   104 Kellor Emma F   Wife M Jan 13 1862
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29   104 Pleathner Jacob M     S Sep 19 1819
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30   105 Kellor Jacob M   Head M Feb 7 1859
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31   105 Kellor Sahrah J F   Wife M May 6 1859
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32   105 Kellor Clifford J M   Son S Jun 3 1896
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33   105 Kellor Roy M   Son S Aug 28 1886
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34   105 Kellor Eatta F   Daughter S Aug 28 1886
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35   105 Kellor Wilmer M   Son S Sep 13 1892
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36   106 Dyer John M   Head M      
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37   106 Dyer Margret F   Wife M Mar 14 1847
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38   106 Dyer Carles M   Son S Dec 30 1873
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39   106 Dyer Lilley F   Daughter S Sep 9 1882
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40   106 Dyer John M   Son S Sep 1 1878
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41   107 Taylor William M   Head M Apr 2 1851
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42   107 Taylor Charlot F   Wife M Oct 25 1852
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@ 43   108 Yousey Martin M   Head M Oct 9 1859
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44   108 Yousey Catherine F   Wife M Oct 9 1859
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45   108 Yousey Edward M   Son S Jan 26 1824
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46   108 Yousey Martin M   Son S Feb 12 1827
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47   108 Yousey Carrie F   Daughter S Jun 17 1890
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48   108 Yousey Burt M   Son S May 26 1894
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49   108 Yousey Eide F   Daughter S Jul 7 1895
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flag50   109 Sickle Emmery M   Head M Jan 31 1861
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Surname Notes On This Page

* In household 109, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Sickle', a suggested alternative surname is 'Vansickle'. The person suggesting the alternative surname provided this comment: 'His name is Emery Nelson Sickle aka Vansickle'.

Researcher contact information

Line 43: Researcher contact:
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Go to: Subdistrict Number: g-6 District: PERTH (North/Nord) National: Canada.

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