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District Summary Français
Dauphin, Manitoba
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1 408 Townships 18 19 in range 1 west of the 1st M Woodland, St. Adélard
2 200 Townships 18 19 in range 2 west of the 1st M Woodland
3 400 Townships 18 19 in range 3 west of the 1st M and township 18 in range 2 west of the 1st M
4 700 Townships 18 19 in ranges 4, 5 west of the 1st M
5 601 Townships 19 20, 21 in range 6 west of the 1st M, townships 20, 21 in range 7 west of the 1st M and township 21 in range 8 west of the 1st M
6 550 Townships 20 21 in range 5 west of the 1st M
7 500 Townships 20 21 in ranges 3, 4 west of the 1st M
8 310 Townships 20 21 in ranges 1, 2 west of the 1st M
9 550 Townships 22 23 in ranges 1, 2, 3 west of the 1st M
10 200 Townships 22 23 in ranges 4, 5 west of the 1st M
11 800 Townships 22 23, 24 in ranges 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 west of the 1st M
12 350 Townships 22 23 in ranges 9, 10 west of the 1st M
13 750 Townships 24 25, 26, 29, 31, 32 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 1st M, townships 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 in range 7 west of the 1st M, townships 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33 in range 10 west of the 1st M, township 36 in range 2 west of the 1st M and township 34
14 451 Townships 27 28, 29 in ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 west of the 1st M, townships 25, 26 in ranges 4, 5, 6, 7 west of the 1st M and township 24 in range 7 west of the 1st M Ashern
15 750 Townships 24 25, 26 in ranges 1, 2, 3 west of the 1st M
16 550 Townships 16 17 in ranges 8, 9, 10 west of the 1st M
17 500 Township 18 Indian Reserve townships 18, 19, 20, 21 in range 10 west of the 1st M and township 20 in range 11 west of the 1st M Westbourne
18 500 Townships 22 23 in range 11 west of the 1st M, townships 24, 25 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 1st M, townships 23, 24, 26 in range 10 west of the 1st M and township 29 in range 13 west of the 1st M
19 950 Townships 19 20, 21 in ranges 12, 13 west of the 1st M Municipality of Westbourne, Municipality McCreary, Municipality Lansdowne
20 850 Township 18 in ranges 11 12, 13 west of the 1st M and Glenella Village Municipality of Westbourne, Lansdowne Municipality
21 550 Township 17 in ranges 11 12, 13 west of the 1st M
22 800 Township 16 in range 12 west of the 1st M and Pluma Village
23 700 Township 16 in ranges 14 15 west of the 1st M Municipality of Rosedale, Municipality of Lansdowne
24 900 Townships 16 17 in range 16 west of the 1st M Municipality of Rosedale
25 350 Township 17 in range 15 west of the 1st M and Birnie Village Municipality of Rosedale
26 401 Townships 17 18 in range 14 west of the 1st M
27 350 Township 18 in ranges 15 16 west of the 1st M and Riding Mountain Village Municipality of Rosedale
28 550 Township 19 in ranges 14 15 west of the 1st M and Kelwood Village
29 800 Townships 20 21 in ranges 14, 15, 16 west of the 1st M McCreary
30 800 Township 22 in ranges 14 15, 16, 17 west of the 1st M and Laurier Village
31 601 Township 23 in ranges 14 15 west of the 1st M Municipality Ste Rose
32 650 Township 24 in range 15 west of the 1st M Ste Rose Municipality
33 250 Townships 25 26 in ranges 14, 15, 16 west of the 1st M
34 752 Township 27 in ranges 14 15, 16, 17 west of the 1st M and townships 28, 29 in ranges 15, 16, 17 west of the 1st M
35 400 Township 24 in ranges 16 17 west of the 1st M and Ochre River Village
36 600 Township 23 in ranges 16 17 west of the 1st M and Makinak Village
37 500 Townships 23 24 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 1st M
38 900 Townships 23 24, 25 in range 20 west of the 1st M Number 39 not present - number 40 next book
40 701 Township 25 in ranges 17 18, 19 west of the 1st M, except Dauphin Town
41 2852 Dauphin
42 800 Township 26 in ranges 18 19, 20 west of the 1st M
43 1650 Townships 27 28 in ranges 18, 19, 20 west of the 1st M and Sifton Village
44 350 Townships 29 30 in range 18 west of the 1st M
45 300 Township 30 in ranges 15 16, 17 west of the 1st M and Snake Island and Massey River
46 150 Townships 32 34 in ranges 16, 18 west of the 1st M, township 33 in ranges 17, 18 west of the 1st M, township 35 in range 16 west of the 1st M and Red Deer Point, Fuller Bay, Robinsons Point and Salt Springs Fishery, Water New Rivers, Salt Point
47 650 Townships 32 33, 34, 35, 36 in ranges 19, 20 west of the 1st M, townships 32, 33 in range 21 west of the 1st M and Pink Creek Settlement and Camperville
48 650 Townships 32 34 in ranges 22, 23, 24 west of the 1st M and township 33 in ranges 22, 23 west of the 1st M.
49 550 Township 31 in ranges 21 22 west of the 1st M
50 750 Township 31 in ranges 18 19 west of the 1st M and Winnipegosis Municipality of Massey River
51 1101 Townships 29 30 in ranges 19, 20 west of the 1st M and Hamlet Fork River
52 1350 Townships 29 30 in ranges 21, 22, 23 west of the 1st M and Ethelbert Village
53 1050 Township 28 in ranges 21 22, 23 west of the 1st M Rural Municipality of Ethelbert
54 1062 Townships 25 26, 27 in range 21 west of the 1st M and Ashville Village Municipality Gilbert Plains
55 500 Townships 23 24 in range 21 west of the 1st M Gilbert Plains Municipality
56 500 Townships 23 24 in range 22 west of the 1st M Gilbert Plains Municipality
57 950 Township 25 in range 22 west of the 1st M and Gilbert Plains Town
58 950 Townships 26 27 in ranges 22, 23 west of the 1st M
Municipality Gilbert Plains, Municipality Grand View
59 600 Township 25 in ranges 22 23 west of the 1st M and township 26 in range 23 west of the 1st M Grand View
60 350 Township 23 in range 23 west of the 1st M and township 24 in ranges 23, 24 west of the 1st M
61 301 Township 24 in ranges 24 25 west of the 1st M
62 550 Townships 25 26, 27 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 1st M Grand View
63 650 Grandview
64 350 Townships 29 30 in ranges 28, 29, 29A west of the 1st M Number 65 not present - number 66 next book
66 954 Township 34 in ranges 27 28, 29 west of the 1st M
67 550 Township 35 in ranges 27 28 west of the 1st M Swan River Municipality
68 150 Townships 34 35 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 1st M
69 250 Townships 35 36, 37, 38 in ranges 22, 23, 24 west of the 1st M
70 750 Townships 36 37 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 1st M and Minitonas Village
71 1200 Townships 36 37 in ranges 27, 28 west of the 1st M
Rural Municipality of Swan River Town
72 550 Townships 32 33 in ranges 28, 29 west of the 1st M and townships 35, 36 in range 29 west of the 1st M Swan River
73 500 Townships 38 39 in ranges 25, 26, 27, 28 west of the 1st M and Bowman River Village Swan River and Minitonas Municipality
74 300 Township 44 in ranges 26 28 west of the 1st M Mafeking, Swan Lake, Pelican Rapids
75 100 Pelly Agency Valley River Indian Reserve
76 1600 Manitowapak Indian Reserve Lake St. Martin Indian Reserve