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District Summary Français
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
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1 600 Township 15 in range 16 west of the 1st M and Franklin Village
2 400 Township 15 in range 15 west of the 1st M except Neepawa Town
3 550 Township 15 in range 14 west of the 1st M and Arden Village
4 1900 Neepawa
5 400 Township 15 in range 13 west of the 1st M
6 600 Townships 14 15 in range 12 west of the 1st M
7 400 Townships 14 15 in range 11 west of the 1st M except Gladstone Town
8 800 Gladstone
9 300 Township 15 in ranges 9 10 west of the 1st M
10 700 Townships 13 14 in range 16 west of the 1st M
11 550 Townships 13 14 in range 15 west of the 1st M
12 400 Townships 13 14 in range 14 west of the 1st M
13 300 Township 14 in range 13 west of the 1st M
14 500 Township 13 in ranges 12 13 west of the 1st M and Berton Village Number 15 not present - number 16 next book
16 350 Township 13 in range 11 west of the 1st M
17 100 Township 14 in range 10 west of the 1st M
18 150 Township 13 in range 10 west of the 1st M
19 800 Townships 13 14 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 1st M and Westbourne Village Number 20 not preesent - number 21 next book
21 750 Townships 12 13, 14 in range 7 west of the 1st M except City of Portage La Prairie
22 850 Townships 12 13, 14 in range 6 west of the 1st M and part of High Bluff Village
23 750 Township 12 in ranges 15 16 west of the 1st M and Brookdale Village
24 650 Township 11 in ranges 14 15, 16 west of the 1st M
25 500 Township 12 in range 14 west of the 1st M and Wellwood Village Number 26 not present - number 27 next book
27 250 Township 12 in range 13 west of the 1st M
28 800 Township 10 in ranges 13 14, 15 west of the 1st M and township 11 in range 13 west of the 1st M
29 250 Township 12 in range 12 west of the 1st M
30 900 Townships 10 11 in range 12 west of the 1st M and Sidney Village
31 300 Township 12 in range 11 west of the 1st M
32 700 Townships 10 11 in range 11 west of the 1st M and Austin Village
33 350 Township 12 in range 10 west of the 1st M
34 950 Townships 10 11 in range 10 west of the 1st M and MacGregor Village
35 600 Townships 11 12 in range 9 west of the 1st M and Bagot Village
36 400 Township 10 in range 9 west of the 1st M and Rosendale Village
37 450 Township 12 in range 8 west of the 1st M and McDonald Village
38 700 Township 11 in ranges 7 8 west of the 1st M, township 10 in range 8 west of the 1st M and Burnside Village Number 39 not present - number 40 next book
40 900 Carberry
41 450 Townships 7 8, 9 in range 15 west of the 1st M, township 9 in range 14 west of the 1st M and Stockton Village
42 800 Townships 7 8 in range 14 west of the 1st M and Glenboro Village
43 450 Townships 7 8, 9 in range 13 west of the 1st M
44 200 Township 7 in range 16 west of the 1st M
45 350 Townships 8 9, 10 in range 16 west of the 1st M
46 500 Townships 10 11 in ranges 5, 6, 7 west of the 1st M
47 1800 Portage La Prairie
48 1900 Portage La Prairie
49 400 Portage La Prairie
50 1900 Portage La Prairie
51 250 Long Plain Indian Reserve Sioux Village Indians