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District Summary Français
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
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1 800 Townships 1 2, 3 in ranges 25, 26, 27, 28 west of the 2nd M
2 950 Townships 4 5, 6 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 2nd M and townships 5, 6 in ranges 26, 27 west of the 2nd M north of Willow Bunch Lake
3 950 Townships 7 8, 9, 10 in ranges 24, 25, 26 west of the 2nd M
4 1201 Townships 11 12, 13, 14 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 2nd M
5 1000 Townships 15 16 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 2nd M
6 850 Townships 17 18 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 2nd M
7 850 Township 19 in ranges 25 26, 27 west of the 2nd M and township 20 in ranges 26, 27 west of the 2nd M Marquis Village, Tuxford Villages
8 1100 Townships 17 18 in ranges 26, 27 west of the 2nd M
Boharm Village
9 1151 Townships 15 16 in ranges 26, 27 west of the 2nd M
10 600 Townships 11 12, 13, 14 in ranges 26, 27, 28 west of the 2nd M
11 750 Townships 7 8, 9, 10 in ranges 27, 28 west of the 2nd M
12 1101 Townships 4 5, 6 in ranges 26, 27, 28 west of the 2nd M Willow Bunch Village
13 701 Townships 1 2, 3, 4, 5 in ranges 29, 30 west of the 2nd M and townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in range 1 west of the 3rd M
14 800 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 29, 30 west of the 2nd M and range 1 west of the 3rd M
15 550 Townships 9 10 in ranges 28, 29, 30 west of the 2nd M and range 1 west of the 3rd M
16 700 Townships 11 12, 13 in ranges 28, 29, 30 west of the 2nd M and range 1 west of the 3rd M
17 300 Township 14 in range 30 west of the 2nd M Townships 14, 15 in ranges 28, 29 west of the 2nd M and ranges 1, 2 west of the 3rd M
18 1000 Townships 16 17 in ranges 28, 29, 30 west of the 2nd M, including Caron Town
19 1000 Townships 18 19 in ranges 28, 29 west of the 2nd M
20 750 Townships 20 21, 22 in ranges 28, 29 west of the 2nd M, and Keeler Village
21 900 Townships 22 23 in ranges 1, 2, 3 west of the 3rd M, including Tugaske Village and Bridgeford Village
22 1350 Townships 20 21 in ranges 1, 2 west of the 3rd M, and Eyebrow Village
23 750 Townships 18 19 in ranges 1, 2 west of the 3rd M
24 851 Townships 16 17 in ranges 1, 2 west of the 3rd M, and Mortlack Village
25 500 Townships 12 13 in ranges 2, 3 west of the 3rd M and Township 14 in range 3 west of the 3rd M
26 850 Townships 9 10, 11 in rangese 2, 3 west of the 3rd M
27 750 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 2, 3 west of the 3rd M Limerick
28 450 Townships 3 4 in ranges 2, 3, 4, 5 west of the 3rd M, Townships 1, 2 in ranges 2, 4 west of the 3rd M and Township 5 in ranges 2, 3, 5 west of the 3rd M
29 550 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 4, 5 west of the 3rd M
30 900 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 4, 5 west of the 3rd M
31 550 Township 12 in ranges 4 5, 6, 7 west of the 3rd M
32 300 Townships 15 16, 17 in ranges 3, 4, 5 west of the 3rd M Chaplin
33 350 Townships 18 19 in ranges 3, 4 west of the 3rd M
34 600 Townships 20 21 in ranges 3, 4 west of the 3rd M
35 750 Townships 22 23, 24 in ranges 4, 5 west of the 3rd M
36 500 Townships 22 23, 24 in ranges 6, 7 west of the 3rd M
37 650 Townships 20 21 in ranges 5, 6, 7 west of the 3rd M
38 400 Townships 18 19 in ranges 5, 6, 7 west of the 3rd M
39 1007 Townships 16 17 in ranges 5, 6, 7, 8 west of the 3rd M, also Morse Village
40 850 Townships 13 14 in ranges 4, 5, 6, 7 west of the 3rd M and Township 15 in ranges 4, 5 west of the 3rd M
41 900 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 6, 7 west of the 3rd M
42 550 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 6, 7 west of the 3rd M
43 450 Townships 4 5 in ranges 6, 7, 8, 9 west of the 3rd M and Township 3 in range 6 west of the 3rd M
44 550 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 3rd M
45 801 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 3rd M
46 501 Townships 12 13 in ranges 8, 9, 10 west of the 3rd M
47 750 Townships 14 15 in ranges 8, 9, 10 west of the 3rd M
48 1300 Townships 16 17 in range 9, 10 west of the 3rd M, and Herbert Village
49 650 Township 21 in range 8 west of the 3rd M and Townships 18 19, 20 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 3rd M
50 500 Townships 21 22 in ranges 8, 9, 10 west of the 3rd M and Township 20 in range 10 west of the 3rd M
51 501 Townships 23 24 in ranges 8, 9, 10 west of the 3rd M and Township 23 in range 7 west of the 3rd M
52 400 Townships 24 25 in ranges 6, 7 west of the 3rd M, Township 25 in range 5 west of the 3rd M and Township 26 in range 7 west of the 3rd M
53 350 Townships 25 26 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 3rd M
54 850 Townships 27 28, 29 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 3rd M and Township 27 in range 7 west of the 3rd M
55 650 Townships 28 29 in ranges 10, 11 west of the 3rd M, and Bounty Village and Milden Village
56 450 Townships 25 26, 27 in ranges 10, 11 west of the 3rd M
57 50 Townships 23 24 in ranges 11, 12, 13, 14 west of the 3rd M
58 150 Townships 20 22 in ranges 11, 14 west of the 3rd M, Township 21 in range 11 west of the 3rd M and Township 22 in range 12 west of the 3rd M
59 1207 Townships 18 19 in ranges 10, 11, 12 west of the 3rd M and Township 20 in ranges 10, 11 west of the 3rd M
60 1150 Townships 15 16, 17 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 3rd M Waldeck Hamlet and Rush Lake Hamlet
61 1050 Townships 12 13, 14 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 3rd M
62 850 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 10, 11 west of the 3rd M and Notre-Dame d`Auvergne Village
63 400 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 10, 11 west of the 3rd M
64 150 Townships 1 2, 3, 4, 5 in ranges 10, 11, 12, 13 west of the 3rd M
65 400 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 12, 13 west of the 3rd M
66 850 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 12, 13 west of the 3rd M
67 1650 Townships 12 13, 14 in ranges 13, 14 west of the 3rd M Blumenhof Village, Blumenort Village, Schanzenfeldt Village, Schomfeldt Village and Reinland Village
68 550 Townships 15 16 in ranges 13, 14 west of the 3rd M
Municipality of Swift Current
69 650 Townships 17 18, 19, 20 in ranges 13, 14 west of the 3rd M
70 350 Townships 25 26, 27 in ranges 12, 13 west of the 3rd M
71 400 Townships 28 29 in ranges 12, 13 west of the 3rd M, also Sovereign Village
72 450 Townships 28 29 in ranges 14, 15 west of the 3rd M
73 400 Townships 25 26, 27 in ranges 14, 15 west of the 3rd M
74 150 Townships 28 29 in ranges 16, 17 west of the 3rd M
75 350 Townships 25 26, 27 in ranges 16, 17 west of the 3rd M
76 250 Townships 23 24 in ranges 15, 16, 17 west of the 3rd M
77 750 Townships 21 22 in ranges 15, 16, 17, 18 west of the 3rd M and Township 20 in ranges 15, 16, 17 west of the 3rd M
78 550 Townships 17 18, 19, 20 in ranges 15, 16 west of the 3rd M
79 600 Townships 15 16 in ranges 15, 16, 17 west of the 3rd M, also Beverley Village
80 701 Townships 12 13, 14 in ranges 15, 16 west of the 3rd M
81 550 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 14, 15 west of the 3rd M
82 200 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 14, 15, 16 west of the 3rd M
83 850 Townships 1 2, 3, 4, 5 in ranges 14, 15, 16, 17 west of the 3rd M
84 700 Townships 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 in range 18, 19, 20, 21 west of the 3rd M and Township 1 in range 18 west of the 3rd M
85 551 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 17, 18, 19 west of the 3rd M
86 601 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 16, 17 west of the 3rd M
87 1100 Townships 12 13, 14 in ranges 17, 18 west of the 3rd M, and Webb Village
88 850 Townships 15 16 in ranges 18, 19, 20 west of the 3rd M, Township 14 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 3rd M, Township 18 in range 17 west of the 3rd M, and Antelope Village
89 650 Township 18 in ranges 18 19, 20, 21, 22 west of the 3rd M and Township 17 in ranges 19, 20, 21, 22 west of the 3rd M
90 500 Township 21 in ranges 18 19, 20, 21 west of the 3rd M, Township 22 in ranges 19, 20, 21 west of the 3rd M and Township 23 in ranges 20, 21 west of the 3rd M
91 350 Townships 23 24 in ranges 18, 19, 20 west of the 3rd M
92 450 Townships 25 26, 27 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 3rd M
93 800 Townships 28 29 in ranges 18, 19, 20 west of the 3rd M Brock Village
94 650 Townships 28 29 in ranges 21, 22 west of the 3rd M, including Netherhill Village
95 650 Townships 23 24, 25, 26, 27 in range 21 west of the 3rd M and Townships 25, 26, 27 in range 20 west of the 3rd M
96 950 Township 27 in range 22 west of the 3rd M Townships 27, 28, 29 in range 23 west of the 3rd M, and Kindersley Town
97 350 Townships 24 25, 26 in ranges 22, 23 west of the 3rd M
98 1250 Townships 19 20 in ranges 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 west of the 3rd M, Townships 21, 22, 23 in ranges 22, 23, 24 west of the 3rd M and Township 24 in range 23 west of the 3rd M
99 650 Townships 12 14, 15 in ranges 21, 22, 23 west of the 3rd M, Township 12 in range 24 west of the 3rd M, Township 16 in range 21 west of the 3rd M, Township 13 in ranges 21, 22 west of the 3rd M, and Tompkins Village Tompkins Post, Crane Lake, Cross Station a
100 1050 Townships 12 13 in ranges 19, 20 west of the 3rd M, and Gull Lake Village
101 750 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 3rd M
102 500 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 20, 21 west of the 3rd M
103 550 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 20, 21, 22, 23 west of the 3rd M, township 6 in range 25 west of the 3rd M and township 7 in range 24 west of the 3rd M
104 600 Townships 3 4, 5 in ranges 22, 23, 24, 25 west of the 3rd M and township 3 in range 21 west of the 3rd M
105 50 Township 2 in ranges 22 23, 24, 25 west of the 3rd M
106 250 Townships 6 7, 8 in ranges 24, 25, 26 west of the 3M
107 700 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 22, 23, 24 west of the 3rd M
108 850 Townships 9 10, 11, 12 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 3rd M
109 450 Townships 9 10, 11, 12 in ranges 26, 27 west of the 3rd M
110 650 Townships 13 14, 15, 16 in ranges 24, 25, 26, 27 west of the 3rd M
111 1000 Township 18 in ranges 23 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 west of the 3rd M, townships 17 19, 20 in ranges 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 west of the 3rd M, township 17 in range 23 west of the 3rd M and township 19 in range 24 west of the 3rd M
112 1150 Townships 22 23 in ranges 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 west of the 3rd M and township 21 in ranges 25, 26, 27 west of the 3rd M
113 300 Townships 23 24, 25, 26 in ranges 26, 27 west of the 3rd M
114 250 Townships 23 24, 25, 26 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 3rd M
115 650 Townships 27 28, 29 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 3rd M
116 900 Townships 27 28, 29 in ranges 26, 27, 28, 29 west of the 3rd M, and Marengo Village and Alsask Village
117 550 Townships 12 14 in ranges 28, 29, 30 west of the 3rd M, townships 13, 15, 16 in ranges 28, 29 west of the 3rd M and township 12 in range 24 west of the 3rd M
118 500 Townships 9 10, 11 in ranges 28, 29, 30 west of the 3rd M
119 200 Townships 7 8 in ranges 27, 28, 29, 30 west of the 3rd M and township 6 in ranges 27, 28, 29 west of the 3rd M
120 700 Townships 3 4, 5 in ranges 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 west of the 3rd M and townships 1, 2 in ranges 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 west of the 3rd M
122 200 Moose Jaw
123 1250 Moose Jaw
124 1750 Moose Jaw
125 1250 Moose Jaw
126 1000 Moose Jaw
127 1600 Moose Jaw
128 1450 Moose Jaw
129 1951 Moose Jaw
130 600 Moose Jaw
131 1300 Moose Jaw
132 1650 Moose Jaw
133 300 Moose Jaw Completion of Moose Jaw
134 950 Maple Creek
135 1401 Swift Current part East Swift Current
136 500 Swift Current part