1911 Census of Canada |
Line notes on this page:
Line 1: This was originally page 2 of Fort Churchill, Hudson`s Bay. The return has been altered to state that it`s the Sixth Census, 1916. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 1: All entries on this page with a non-numeric age had "not known" entered in both MOB and Age columns. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 1: "Not Know" was entered in both the month of birth and the age. "Old Man" was entered in the margin. (note added by: Alain Dawson)
Line 2: "Not Know" was entered in both the month of birth and the age. "Medium Age" was entered in the margin. (note added by: Alain Dawson)
Line 4: "Not Know" was entered in both the month of birth and the age. "Old Man" was entered in the margin. (note added by: Alain Dawson)
Line 5: "Not Know" was entered in both the month of birth and the age. "Medium Age" was entered in the margin. (note added by: Alain Dawson)
Line 17: MOB "not known" (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 21: "Not Know" was entered in both the month of birth and the age. "Young Woman" was entered in the margin. (note added by: Alain Dawson)