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1921 Census of Canada
Home / 1921 / New Brunswick / St John and Albert / Elgin Parish

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Alexander 3
Allan 2
Armstrong 7
Babkirk 25
Bannister 93
Barchard 13
Baxter 2
Bayley 2
Beaman 18
Beck 8
Bell 3
Berry 4
Berryman 7
Bishop 14
Blakney 5
Bovaird 4
Britt 1
Brown 1
Buck 1
Bustard 1
Cain 8
Carle 2
Carter 16
Carty 19
Chambers 1
Chapman 1
Charldon 4
Charlton 2
Chisholm 1
Christopher 2
Coleman 2
Collier 52
Colpitts 47
Conners 3
Crandal 4
Crandall 16
Daley 4
Davis 2
Day 4
DeBow 3
DeMille 9
Dives 1
Douthwright 28
Eagles 3
Fails 3
Fairweather 1
Fawcet 1
Gallagher 3
Gammon 2
Garland 24
Geldart 77
Godard 6
Goggin 17
Graham 9
Graves 41
Gray 6
Grey 10
Haines 1
Harbell 5
Harrison 43
Hayward 13
Henderson 1
Higgins 2
Homanic 14
Hopper 15
Horsman 24
Hubley 11
Huskins 6
Ireland 4
Jack 5
Jonah 9
Joyce 2
Kay 7
Kaye 9
Keith 3
Killam 2
Knowlan 6
Kyle 16
Lane 20
Layden 39
Leaman 10
Leeman 8
Linton 1
Locke 2
Long 8
Lounsbury 4
Magee 6
Mahoney 3
Mann 2
Marshall 7
Martin 18
Matthews 6
McAllister 5
McCullah 1
McCully 4
McDonald 2
McEwen 2
McKenzie 2
McQuaid 1
Mellon 5
Middleton 3
Milton 5
Mitton 26
Morrell 3
Murray 8
Nickerson 1
O'Blenis 1
O'Connor 16
O'Regan 4
Parkin 7
Patterson 2
Perry 1
Plotkin 1
Poley 3
Pollock 23
Power 3
Prosser 87
Pushee 1
Rennie 1
Robertson 2
Robinson 6
Ross 1
Salye 3
Shaffer 27
Shean 9
Smith 51
Sproule 4
Starratt 5
Steeves 157
Stewart 15
Stiles 20
Tait 4
Thorne 5
Tucker 13
Turner 14
Valentine 1
Vamp 3
Weatherbee 2
Webster 2
Weir 3
Weldon 2
Wier 10
Wilson 68
Windsor 1
Wright 1