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1851 Census of New Brunswick
Home / 1851 NB / Records with Surname Cook

Surnames with soundex C200: Casey(1) Cook(15)

This listing includes the following alternate names for Cook: Cook(?)

Givens begins with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ?

Givens contains Gender:  Age/Year:  

There are 4 matching records.

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Surname Givens Age District Subdistrict Subdistrict
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Cook Andrew 27 Kings County Sussex Parish 41 85 12  
Cook Ann 5 Kings County Sussex Parish 41 20 27  
Cook Ann 55 Kings County Sussex Parish 41 85 10  
Cook Ann 33 Kings County Sussex Parish 41 20 24  

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