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1851 Census of New Brunswick
Home / 1851 NB / Records with Surname Blair

This listing includes the following alternate names for Blair: Blair(?)

Givens begins with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ?

Givens contains Gender:  Age/Year:  

There are 21 matching records.

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Surname Givens Age District Subdistrict Subdistrict
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Blair James 17 York County Douglas Parish 90 56 6  
Blair James 26 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 59 31  
Blair James 11 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 16 3  
Blair James 28 Restigouche County Durham Parish 65 23 2  
Blair James 40 York County Douglas Parish 90 54 20  
Blair Jane 58 Carleton County Woodstock Parish 12 50 47  
Blair Jane 40 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 82 17  
Blair Jane ? Saint John County Dukes and Queens Wards 68 204 27  
Blair John 41 Restigouche County Dalhousie Parish 64 18 23  
Blair John 53 York County Fredericton City 92 99 22  
Blair John 74 Kings County Studholm Parish 40 60 13  
Blair John 5 York County Fredericton City 92 24 15  
Blair John 35 York County Fredericton City 92 40 27  
Blair John 14 York County Douglas Parish 90 54 23  
Blair John 25 York County Fredericton City 92 55 36  
Blair John 5 York County Fredericton City 92 56 4  
Blair John M 25 York County Fredericton City 92 56 6  
Blair Joseph 31 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 16 1  
Blair Joseph 4 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 16 6  
Blair Joseph 2 York County Douglas Parish 90 54 29  
Blair Julia 19 Kings County Studholm Parish 40 60 20  

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