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1851 Census of New Brunswick
Home / 1851 NB / Records with Surname Miller

This listing includes the following alternate names for Miller: Miller(?)

Givens begins with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ?

Givens contains Gender:  Age/Year:  

There are 38 matching records.

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Surname Givens Age District Subdistrict Subdistrict
Page Line Links
Miller Madeline 1 Carleton County Wicklow Parish 11 6 37  
Miller Margaret 4 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 74 1  
Miller Margaret 25 Saint John County Dukes and Queens Wards 68 34 39  
Miller Margaret 9 Northumberland County Chatham Parish 47 25 30  
Miller Margaret 17 Kings County Kingston Parish 37 21 19  
Miller Margaret 7 York County Queensbury Parish 96 28 6  
Miller Margaret 6 Kings County Kingston Parish 37 48 9  
Miller Margareth 2 Victoria County Perth Parish 79 1 28  
Miller Margary Ann 5 York County St. Marys Parish 97 23 30  
Miller Margt 40 Northumberland County Chatham Parish 47 51 25  
Miller Maria E. 6 Charlotte County St. Stephen Parish 21 29 9  
Miller Martha 48 Westmorland County Moncton Parish 85 21 6  
Miller Martha Jane 7 Northumberland County Newcastle Parish 51 4 26  
Miller Martha P. 8 York County St. Marys Parish 97 23 29  
Miller Mary 8m Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 74 2  
Miller Mary 22 Carleton County Wicklow Parish 11 6 36  
Miller Mary 26 Charlotte County St. Andrews Parish 16 12 2  
Miller Mary 17 Restigouche County Addington Parish 62 12 23  
Miller Mary 25 Charlotte County Penfield Parish 15 29 18  
Miller Mary 7 Northumberland County Chatham Parish 47 13 25 5555555
Miller Mary 52 Restigouche County Dalhousie Parish 64 7 13  
Miller Mary 10 Saint John County Dukes and Queens Wards 68 112 38  
Miller Mary 20 Restigouche County Dalhousie Parish 64 7 14  
Miller Mary 47 Carleton County Woodstock Parish 12 29 50  
Miller Mary 56 Saint John County Dukes and Queens Wards 68 161 42  
Miller Mary 27 Carleton County Woodstock Parish 12 29 52  
Miller Mary 21 Saint John County Dukes and Queens Wards 68 162 1  
Miller Mary 8 York County Queensbury Parish 96 28 5  
Miller Mary 4 Saint John County Dukes and Queens Wards 68 121 2  
Miller Mary Ann 36 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 225 2  
Miller Mary Ann 40 Saint John County Kings and Sydney Wards 69 73 32  
Miller Mary Ann 16 Northumberland County Newcastle Parish 51 4 23  
Miller Mary J. 18 Charlotte County St. Stephen Parish 21 29 5  
Miller Mary Jane 21 York County Fredericton City 92 36 14  
Miller Mathew Archd 3 Northumberland County Newcastle Parish 51 4 28  
Miller Matilda 13 Saint John County Dukes and Queens Wards 68 207 25  
Miller Matthew 42 York County Queensbury Parish 96 37 34  
Miller Moses 13 York County Dumfries Parish 91 30 7  

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