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1851 Census of New Brunswick
Home / 1851 NB / Kings County / Sussex Parish / page 3

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Line FID Surname Givens Sex Relation Age Race Occupation Date of
Sick or
Remarks Links
1 1365 McAdden Hugh M Head 35 Irish Shoemaker 1839
2 1365 McAdden Mary F Wife 30 Irish 1840
3 1365 McAdden James M Son 7 Irish Birth
4 1365 McAdden Hugh M Son 3 Irish Birth
5 1365 McAdden Mary Jane F Daughter 2 Irish Birth
6 1365 Cain Ellen F * 30 Irish Widow 1830
7 1365 Cain Michael M * 3 Irish Birth
8 1365 Cain William M * 1 Irish Birth
9 1366 Caroland (?) John M Head 52 Irish Shoemaker 1819
10 1366 Caroland (?) Mary F Wife 30 Irish 1841
11 1366 Caroland (?) Margaret F Daughter 3 Irish Birth
12 1366 Caroland (?) Elizabeth F Daughter 1 Irish Birth
13 1366 Caroland (?) Richard M Son 6 Irish Birth
14 1366 Caroland (?) David M Son 5 Irish Birth
15 1367 Roach Wm M * 25 C Tanner Birth
16 1367 McArthur Mrs F Sister 29 C Widow Birth
17 1367 Roach Richard M Brother 16 C Birth
18 1367 Roach Margaret F Sister 12 C Birth
19 1367 Roach Ann F Sister 10 C Birth
20 1367 Roach Elizabeth F Niece 8 C Birth
21 1367 Roach Olive F Sister 7 C Birth
22 1367 Bowls Robert M * 19 C Apprentice Birth
23 1367 Dobson Thomas M * 17 C Apprentice Birth
24 1367 McGloan John M * 13 C apprentice Birth
25 1367 Sproul (?) Charles M * 11 C Lodger Birth
26 1368 Arnold Nelson M Head 35 C Surveyor Birth
27 1368 Arnold Matilda F Wife 29 C Birth
28 1368 Arnold Elizabeth F * 17 C Servant Birth

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