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1852 Census of Canada West (Ontario)
District 27 Oxford (county)

You are here: Home / 1852 / Canada West / 27 Oxford


Subdistrict Schedule Description Info
256 Zorra township A Zorra township - includes concessions 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 east - part 2
256 Zorra township A Zorra township - includes concessions 9, 10, 11 and 12 east - part 1
257 Zorra township A Zorra township - includes 18 concessions - includes 18 lots (north half) west - part 1
257 Zorra township A Zorra township - includes 18 lots (north half) west - part 2
258 Oxford (east) township north A Oxford (east) township north The manuscript census returns for this sub-district/division no longer exist.
259 Oxford (east) township east A Oxford (east) township east
260 Oxford (west) township west A Oxford (west) township west
261 Dereham township A Dereham township - includes the east half from the middle town line part 2
261 Dereham township A Dereham township - includes the west half from the middle town line part 1
262 Norwich township A Norwich township - includes 6 concessions (north half) part 1
262 Norwich township A Norwich township - includes 6 concessions (south half) part 2
263 Blenheim township A Blenheim township - includes concessions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 part 1 personal census information written on agriculture census schedules
263 Blenheim township A Blenheim township - includes concessions 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 part 2
264 Blandford township A Blandford township
265 Nissouri (east) township east A Nissouri (east) township east
266 Woodstock town A Woodstock town
267 Ingersoll town [village] A Ingersoll town [village]