Home / 1852 / Canada East / Beauharnois (county) / 9 St. Timothée parish, includes ... / p. 1d, 2a, (3) Split view
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex |
1 | Vinet, Lina | F | Catholique | 27 | F | ||
2 | Fortier, Norbert | F | Catholique | 17 | M | ||
3 | Fortier, Philomine | F | Catholique | 11 | F | ||
4 | Fortier, André | F | Catholique | 9 | M | ||
5 | Fortier, Josephte | F | Catholique | 4 | M | ||
6 | Fortier, Delina | F | Catholique | 2 | F | ||
7 | Fortier, Vitaline | F | Catholique | 20 | F | ||
8 | Bonhomme, Ignace | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 19 | M | |
9 | Bonhomme, Damase | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 25 | M | |
10 | Desrosiers, Amelia | F | Catholique | 22 | F | ||
11 | Balleray, Joseph | Mecanique | États-Unis | Presbytérienne | 50 | M | |
12 | Charlebois, Caroline | Canada | Presbytérienne | 39 | F | ||
13 | Balleray, Emma | Canada | Presbytérienne | 10 | F | ||
14 | Balleray, William | Canada | Presbytérienne | 16 | M | ||
15 | Balleray, James | Canada | Presbytérienne | 13 | M | ||
16 | Balleray, Mathilda | Canada | Presbytérienne | 6 | F | ||
17 | Balleray, Francois | Canada | Presbytérienne | 11 | M | ||
18 | Balleray, George | Canada | Presbytérienne | M | |||
19 | Senecal, François | Mecanique | F | Catholique | 31 | M | |
20 | Bourdon, Henriette | F | Catholique | 25 | F | ||
21 | Senecal, François | F | Catholique | 27 | F | ||
22 | Senecal, Henri | F | Catholique | M | |||
23 | Lachapelle, Joseph | Mecanique | F | Catholique | 19 | M | |
24 | Bonnin, Oliver | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 49 | M | |
25 | Leduc, Catherine | F | Catholique | 38 | F | ||
26 | Bonnin, Mathilda | F | Catholique | 20 | F | ||
27 | Bonnin, Moise | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 18 | M | |
28 | Bonnin, Anastase | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 16 | M | |
29 | Bonnin, Barnabé | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 12 | M | |
30 | Bonnin, Delima | F | Catholique | 5 | M | ||
31 | Bonnin, Teodora | F | Catholique | 7 | F | ||
32 | Bonnin, Zephire | F | Catholique | 5 | M | ||
33 | Bonnin, Alfred | F | Catholique | 2 | M | ||
34 | Bonnin, Philomène | F | Catholique | F | |||
35 | Mailloux, Auguste | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 48 | M | |
36 | Perron, Catherine | F | Catholique | 49 | F | ||
37 | Mailloux, Catherine | F | Catholique | 25 | F | ||
38 | Mailloux, Rose | F | Catholique | 23 | F | ||
39 | Mailloux, François | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 20 | M | |
40 | Mailloux, Julia | F | Catholique | 15 | F | ||
41 | Mailloux, Philomène | F | Catholique | 12 | F | ||
42 | Mailloux, Isaac | F | Catholique | 10 | M | ||
43 | Mailloux, Joseph | F | Catholique | 8 | M | ||
44 | Mailloux, Augustus | F | Catholique | 6 | M | ||
45 | Poirier, Joseph | Cultivateur | F | Catholique | 28 | M | |
46 | Mailloux, Tarcèle | F | Catholique | 27 | F | ||
47 | Poirier, Joseph | F | Catholique | 7 | M | ||
48 | Poirier, Elie | F | Catholique | 5 | M | ||
49 | Poirier, Gilbert | F | Catholique | 2 | M | ||
50 | Poirier, Hester | F | Catholique | F |