Home / 1852 / Canada West / Hamilton (city) / 438 St. Andrew ward / p. 196a, 196b, (196) Split view
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex | Links |
1 | Dougles, Joseph | Stone Masson | Ireland | Protestant | 45 | M | ||
2 | Dougles, Sera | Ireland | Protestant | 46 | F | |||
3 | Dougles, Joseph | Prentes Stone Cuter | Ireland | Protestant | 20 | M | ||
4 | Dougles, Franses | Ireland | Protestant | 15 | F | |||
5 | Dougles, Marrey Jan | Ireland | Protestant | 10 | F | |||
6 | Dougles, James | Ireland | Protestant | 7 | M | |||
7 | Dougles, William John | Quebec. L. Canada | Protestant | 5 | M | 5* |