Home / 1852 / Canada West / Hamilton (city) / 438 St. Andrew ward / p. 221a, 221b, (221) Split view
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex |
1 | Tyson, Will'm | Tavernkeeper | England | Protestant | T Limits | 28 | M |
2 | Tyson, Jane | England | Protestant | 30 | F | ||
3 | Tyson, Mary Jane | Hamilton | Protestant | 4 | F | ||
4 | Tyson, Will'm H. | Hamilton | Protestant | 2 | M | ||
5 | Tyson, Sarah E. | Hamilton | Protestant | 1 | F | ||
6 | Wood, John E. | Machinest | United States | Protestant | 23 | M | |
7 | Beach, Henry | Machinest | United States | Universalist | 24 | M | |
8 | Grosscup, Isl.(?) | Machinest | United States | 27 | M | ||
9 | Bradstreet, George | Machinest | United States | Presbyterian | 19 | M | |
10 | Murphy, Abbey | Servant | Ireland | Catholic | 14 | F |