Home / 1852 / Canada West / Hamilton (city) / 438 St. Andrew ward / p. 353a, 353b, (353) Split view
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex |
1 | Spellman, Michl | Stage Driver | Ireland | Roman Catholic | 21 | M | |
2 | Baker, Frank | Stage Driver | United States | Presbyterian | 19 | M | |
3 | Johnson, Edwd | Stage Driver | England | Church of England | 34 | M | |
4 | Hall, Jas | Stage Driver | Ireland | Roman Catholic | 23 | M | |
5 | McDermat, Peter | Stage Driver | Ireland | Roman Catholic | 20 | M | |
6 | Morehead, Jno | Stage Driver | England | Presbyterian | 32 | M | |
7 | Farnce(?), Richd | Stage Driver | United States | Presbyterian | 34 | M | |
8 | McLeod, A | Stage Driver | England | Church of England | 32 | M | |
9 | Schram, Valentine | Stage Driver | Upper Canada | Presbyterian | 22 | M | |
10 | Sharp, John | Stage Driver | Upper Canada | Church of England | 19 | M | |
11 | Bradshaw, C | Stage Driver | Upper Canada | Church of England | 17 | M | |
12 | Glen, Robt | Stage Driver | Upper Canada | Church of Scotland | 19 | M | |
13 | Gunn, Wm | Stage Driver | Scotland | Church of Scotland | 45 | M | |
14 | Todd, Saml | Stage Driver | Ireland | Roman Catholic | 21 | M | |
15 | Ryan, Thomas | Stage Driver | England | Church of England | 19 | M | |
16 | Porter, James | Stage Driver | United States | Presbyterian | 29 | M | |
17 | McLean, William | Stage Driver | Upper Canada | Church of Scotland | 30 | M | |
18 | Andrews, Thomas | Stage Driver | Upper Canada | Baptist | 20 | M |