Home / 1852 / Canada East / St. Hyacinthe (county) / 398 St. Hyacinthe town / p. 56d, 57a, (113) Split view
Line | Name | Occupation | Place of Birth | Religion | Residence if out of limits | Age | Sex |
1 | Carriers, Marie | Servant | Irlande | Catholique | 23 | F | |
2 | Adams, James | Domestique | Angleterre | Protestante | 30 | M | |
3 | Morier, Lse | Servante | St-Simon | Catholique | 25 | F | |
4 | Tétreault, Agathe | La Présentation | Catholique | X | 37 | F | |
5 | Valin, Elizabeth | Servant | St-Hyacinthe | Catholique | 8 | F | |
6 | Magary, Barthe | Marchand | Irlande | Catholique | X | 43 | M |
7 | Hogan, Brigite | Servante | Irlande | Catholique | X | 39 | F |
8 | Magary, W. | Irlande | Catholique | 13 | M | ||
9 | Magary, Mary | Irlande | Catholique | 10 | F | ||
10 | Magary, Bridgit | Irlande | Catholique | 7 | F | ||
11 | Magary, Anne | Irlande | Catholique | 6 | F | ||
12 | Magary, Catherine | St-Hyacinthe | Catholique | 1 | F | ||
13 | Ohara, Jane | Chambly | Protestante | 2 | F | ||
14 | Codaire, Louis | Fermier | St-Charles | Catholique | X | 40 | M |
15 | Delisle, Appoline | St-Charles | Catholique | X | 31 | F | |
16 | Codaire, Philom. | St-Charles | Catholique | 14 | F | ||
17 | Authier, Denis | Engagé | St-Denis | Catholique | X | 42 | M |
18 | Perron, Elizabeth | St-Hyacinthe | Catholique | X | 28 | F | |
19 | Authier, Rosalie | St-Hyacinthe | Catholique | 3 | F | ||
20 | Authier, Mizoèle | St-Hyacinthe | Catholique | 2 | M |