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1921: Legere, Arthur age: 16 subdistrict: Westmorland Parish (Ceril, Lina, Blanch, Arthur, Marion, Ammal, Annie, Lenard, Doris, Irene)

1921: Legere, Arthur age: 20 subdistrict: Botsford Parish (Cyril A, Arthur, Edgar, Clovis, Partick)

1911: Legere, Arthur age: 9 subdistrict: Westmoreland Parish (Joseph J., Mary J., Franck, Vallarie, Edmund, Tillie, Arthur, Silvie T., Catherine)

1911: Legere, Arthur age: 5 subdistrict: Westmoreland Parish (Cyrill J., Manda, Albert, John, Fred, Blanche, Arthur)

1911: Legère, Arthur age: 10 subdistrict: Shediac Parish (112/42) 01 (Alphée A., Marie Blanche, Philip, Alma, Emile, Arthur, Alphée, Azelda, Aristide, Delima, Albertine)

Too young to appear in 1891 and earlier censuses.

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