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1921: Chapman, Greta age: 24 subdistrict: Westmorland Parish (Edson, Lillis, John, Viola, Dora, Greta, Leona, Edson, Ruth, Jean)

1911: Chapman, Greta S. age: 17 subdistrict: Moncton (101/50) 01 (Wesley W., Sarah, Helen M., Greta S., Harry H.)

1901: Chapman, Greta M. age: 9 subdistrict: Dorchester (18/210) 01 (Clifford, Minnie J., Eldred, Paul, Aubrey O., Greta M., Grace B., Elsie E., Douglas)

1901: Chapman, Greta age: 7 subdistrict: Moncton (City/Cite) (90/201) 01 (Wesley, Sarah, Bessie, Ella, William, Ida, Harry, Greta)

Too young to appear in 1891 and earlier censuses.

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