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Publication: History of Compton County (L.S. Channell) add link
Issue: 1896
Title: Chapter XVIII: Township of Bury (pp.242-243)

Those who settled in that part known as Brookbury have done very well, the land proving to be of good quality. The following are names of those who first settled here: James Tite, John Bennett, Robert Batley, Frank Martin, Michael Warren, Jonathan Taylor, Samuel Baird, Elder John Warren, William Saunders, Samson Coates, George Downes, Samuel Burt, John Downes, Timothy Clark, Joseph Needham, Henry Joice, Charles Frances, John Grey, Benj. Butler, James Revel, William Rowe, Matthew McAdams, David Howe, Robert Jenkerson, and Patrick Kenny. With a few exceptions only, the foregoing sailed from Yarmouth Harbor, England, in June, 1836, and after a voyage of over ten weeks, arrived at Quebec in September. [243] They traveled by the way of Three Rivers as far as Sherbrooke, the men walking while the women and children rode in carts. The men left their families in Sherbrooke and came on into what was then an unbroken forest, to locate a farm and home, before bringing in their families. There were no roads from Robinson village to what is now known as Brookbury, and their only guide was a line of spotted trees; consequently all their household effects and provisions had to be brought in on their backs. A few of these families became so disheartened by the hardships they were compelled to endure, that they removed, some to Ontario and others to various parts of this province. The majority of those who were brave enough to remain acquired comfortable homes for themselves, and now their descendants are enjoying the fruits of their toil.

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